Top Issues

  • The legislature must be prudent with your dollars as we take care of our neighbors and fund our responsibilities. I like to think of Wyoming as a cow outfit. Overfeeding a cow is never economical, but you can’t starve the profit out of a cow either.

    Small government means keeping government regulation at bay and keeping the government out of our day-to-day decisions.

  • Wyoming has always found solutions that benefit the environment and the economy. Coal, oil, gas, other minerals, tourism and agriculture are the backbone of Wyoming and will continue to be far into the future. As a rancher, I understand the economic value of our natural resources and the balance we must maintain with the environment. Wyoming must continue to lead in these areas.

  • All towns in House District 2 are small towns. Small towns are who we are. A majority of Wyoming's small towns are over 100 years old. The challenge of maintaining our aging small towns is not going away. This is a hard conversation that we cannot hide from. Small towns matter; we must invest in infrastructure.

  • Wyoming’s future is our children. We must invest in the next generation. That means parents having the choice of how their children receive their education and making sure the dollars spent are focused on bringing the best outcomes for our children.

  • In the last session, the legislature made some progress toward providing relief to homeowners. We must continue to take a thoughtful look at how we can keep property taxes within reason while keeping our local governments whole.

  • We must prioritize funding and support for mental health resources for all Wyomingites. This means improving access to mental health care services, ensuring those who need support can access it easily and without stigma.

  • I’m a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment and my former legislative voting record proves it. Firearms are the only true badge of liberty. Case closed.